Younger People in AA

It is commonly thought that people do not become ‘alcoholics’ until they are in their 30’s, 40’s or beyond, and whilst this can certainly be the case, many have found that their drinking became a problem almost as soon as they started. Today, many young people are finding that alcoholism is something that can affect people of all ages and that age is no barrier to recovery from alcoholism.

Watch this video. It might help you decide if you might have a problem.

In Liverpool & the North West, Alcoholics Anonymous now has more young people than ever, many joining in their twenties or their teens. These young people are not miserable because they cannot drink, but free to enjoy the lives they were supposed to live, safe in the knowledge they’re sparing themselves the painful effects of prolonged, long-term, untreated alcoholism.

This site hopes to share with you the experiences of young people who have found recovery in AA. These stories come from young people aged between 18-29 that have kindly contributed their stories. These stories can be quite different depending on the contributor’s situation or background but you may notice some common themes that underpin them all. If you find that you’re able to relate to some part of these stories then you may be interested in finding out more about AA and how it may be able to help you.

And try not to worry if you do identify. Many might see AA as the end of the road, but as the experiences collected in this website can confirm, it can also be the end of pain and suffering and the beginning of a new and meaningful life.